Welcome to Learn Movement System!  


Learn Movement System is a part of Nexus Motion.  At Nexus Motion, we are passionate about sharing the knowledge about the human movement system, particularly the kinesiopathologic model, to physical therapists across the world.

Our Story


Nexus Motion was started in 2014 by Maiko Morotani, a physical therapist with passion for sharing the human movement system knowledge.  From numerous opportunities to interpret Dr. Shirley Sahrmann's lectures for Japanese professionals, to translating the Movement System Syndromes textbook into Japanese, Nexus Motion has evolved from providing translation service to now serving many movement professionals in Japan on a monthly basis to provide live learning sessions by Maiko or guest lecturers.

In March 2022, Nexus Motion was asked by the Program in Physical Therapy at Washington University in St. Louis to organize and run the future Movement System Syndromes courses held at Wash U.  This was such a huge honor for Maiko, an alumni of Washington University in St. Louis.  Maiko is thrilled to not only spread the kinesiopathologic concepts to Japan, but the rest of the world.  She certainly can't do it alone, and now the faculty from Wash U and many other experienced instructors have have come together to provide you the ultimate Learn Movement System experience.  Maiko is so grateful for the team of people who are also passionate about learning and teaching Movement System Syndromes.

Nexus Motion's tag line is "MOVE BETTER, LIVE BETTER."  Let's help our patients and community move better, and positively influence our societies with the skilled knowledge we possess!  

Video Poster Image

From left: Dr. Gammon Earhart, Dr. Shirley Sahrmann, Dr. Maiko Morotani, Dr. Nancy Bloom.  March 21, 2022.  The day Nexus Motion / Maiko said a HUGE YES!!

Inspiration behind the Nexus Motion logo  

The word "nexus" means connection, core, network, union, center, and link.  In this information / technology age, the world is getting smaller.  Nexus Motion strives to connect movement professionals from all around the world. 

The X portion of Nexus is designed after the internal / external oblique muscles, which are some of the key muscles in the trunk to add proximal stability (when used correctly!).  The color scheme represents Maiko's Japanese heritage as well as her current residence, United States.  The desire to bridge the experiences in the US as well as other parts of the world, and the motivation for becoming the hub of information amongst movement system specialists are what inspired this logo design.

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