2025 Lower Quarter Foundation Webinar #2









Register for 2025 LQ Foundation Webinars

Lumbar Spine Live Demonstration
Systematic Exam & Treatment

The Foundation Webinars will cover the key principles of the kinesiopathologic model, as they apply to the lumbar spine lower extremities.  The 5 webinars are designed to present the foundational concepts of the kinesiopathologic model in enough detail and relevance so they can be applied immediately to clinical practice.

  • Event date: February 5, 2025 Wednesday
  • Time: 7pm-8:30pm Central Time
  • Location: Zoom
  • Speaker: Shirley Sahrmann, PT, PhD, FAPTA

After 2/5/2025, the content will be available as a self-study online course in your course page.

When you register for Foundation Webinars, you will be registered for all 5 events from January to May, 2025 for $200.  If you are currently an active ALL ACCESS member, you do not need to register, as these 5 webinars are included in your membership.

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Webinar Description

This webinar will demonstrate the entire lower extremity systematic examination on a subject with low back pain.  Continuing from what the participants learned in the first webinar, the live examination will clearly show how the subject's movement pattern is contributing to the symptoms.  Systematic examination helps to identify the provocative alignment and movement pattern, and provides direction for treatment.  By the end of the webinar, the subject will be educated on the cause of their low back pain, how to change their daily movement patterns, and a few therapeutic exercises as needed.  Participants are welcome to ask questions after the live demonstration.

Participants have the choice of attending the live webinar on February 5, 2025, and/or reviewing the presentation as a self-paced online course.  To receive CEU approved by California PT Association, participant must complete the course evaluation AND score 80% or higher on the post-webinar quiz.  CEU will expire on February 5, 2026, therefore, post-webinar quiz must be passed before the recording access expires or by February 5, 2026, whichever comes first.


Learning Objectives

Upon viewing this webinar content, and passing the post-webinar quiz on the course page, the participants will be able to:

  • Visualize the systematic examination on an individual with low back pain.
  • Understand the difference between primary and secondary tests.
  • Understand that the non-optimal alignment and movement patterns are contributing to the subject’s low back pain.
  • Correlate the subject’s ADLs and work-related / sports-specific tasks to the movement pattern.
  • Understand the instructions provided for home program with emphasis on changing the way subject performs ADLs / work and sports specific tasks.


February 5, 2025 Wednesday (Central Time)

7pm: Speaker introduction and announcements

7:05pm ~ 8:15pm: Live demonstration on an individual with low back pain

8:15pm ~ 8:30pm: Q&A and discussion, post-webinar instructions for CEUs

After the live Zoom webinar, recording will be uploaded to your course page, as a self-paced online course.

Register for 2025 Foundation Webinars

Speaker Profile: Shirley Sahrmann, PT, PhD, FAPTA

Dr. Sahrmann is professor emerita of physical therapy at Washington University in St. Louis. She received her BS degree in physical therapy, masters and PhD in neurobiology from Washington University, where she was a clinician and faculty member for 56 years. Her research interests were in disordered motor control and classification of musculoskeletal disorders. Dr. Sahrmann with her colleagues at Washington University has been a major promotor of the movement system and the development of movement related diagnostic categories to direct physical therapy treatment which formed the basis of her published books. She has lectured extensively nationally and internationally.